This user guide will explain how to create and verify a User Account.

Self Registration is only available for Amateur Players and Hobby registrations for adults. Registrations of Hobby (minors) or Professional Players must be submitted by the Club.

1. Access the login page of Pelipaikka -

2. Select 'Register'

3. Enter account details, then select 'Signup'


Your email will be your username

Please note that your Password is case sensitive and must be: at least 8 characters long; contain at least one upper-case character; contain at least one lower-case character, and; contain at least one non-alphabetic character (e.g. a number or special character).

4. Confirmation of account submission


5. Account verification

You must verify your self registration account before you are able to Sign in. An email containing the subject line "Confirm your email with..." will be sent to the email used in Step 2 above. Click the "here" link with the email to verify your account.


6. Confirmation of account verification

The following message will be displayed. Click 'Login'.


7. Login

Using the email and password used to create the User Account in Step 3 above, sign in to your account by clicking 'Sign in'.